Advent Procession - ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½


For many people, Christmas starts on 1 December, missing out the entire season of Advent: a season of watching and waiting as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Not so at ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½ where on Sunday 4 December, our Advent Procession took place: a service of music and readings for this poignant season of light and darkness.

The service started in darkness as the Chapel Choir sung ‘The Rose’ by Christina Rosetti set to music by Ola Gjeilo from the West end of the Chapel. The choir then processed towards the main body of the Chapel as all candles were lit. Other choral music included ‘People, Look East’ by Eleanor Farjeon and Christopher Steel, and ‘Veiled in Darkness’ by Glenn L. Rudolph. There were readings from the Prophets Isaiah and Malachi, as well as the account in Luke’s Gospel where the Angel Gabriel announces the birth to the Virgin Mary. The congregation was invited to join in the singing of O Come, ‘O Come Emmanuel and Lo, He comes with clouds ascending’.

After the service, everyone was invited for the first mulled wine and mince pies of the season. Thanks go to the Chapel Choir for a wonderful moment of music and reflection before the business of the Christmas season starts.