Red Lowes Charity Day - ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½


An air of excitement hung in the air on the penultimate morning of Lent Term as Lowes hosted their annual charity day. Donations of soft toys, books and clothes were collected for the second-hand stall and freshly baked donuts and cookies were piled on tables, filling the air with a sugary sweetness as the stallholders took up their positions. The weather was not on their side, so the event was held in Moore Hall, creating huge excitement as laughter, and raised voices could be heard as prizes were won and sweets were shared.

Reception-Y2 visited slightly ahead of the older years and handed over their coins, licking sugary lips and biting into chocolate chips. The raffle of prizes was drawn, and vouchers were handed over, at the end of the day offering treats such as a private pottery lesson for a small group with Mrs Lane, skip the lunch queue, own clothes for the day and Lowes pupils voted to support the work that Comic Relief carry out because they liked the idea that their contributions could be used both here and abroad and they coined the idea of ‘Red Lowes Day’, playing on their house colour, red.

They raised over £700 and the few donations that didn’t sell will be winging their way to Cameron’s Orphanage in Zambia, thanks to Mrs Jayne and the group of students heading out to work over the Easter break and to Barnardos, raising vital funds for children across the UK.