Stuart Lawrence visit - ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½


On Wednesday, the Sociology Department were delighted to host The Right Honourable Stuart Lawrence to speak with our students.

Stuart delivered an open and honest talk about a number of difficult yet important issues. He spoke about the murder of his brother Stephen Lawrence, the injustice that served in the aftermath of this terrible incident, institutional racism within the police, unconscious bias and mental health.

Students enthusiastically engaged with the talk and found it hugely interesting and inspiring. Not only with supporting their Sociology curriculum but also to think, support and engage with important issues within society today. They were encouraged to ask a range of questions to which Stuart responded with sincere and candid answers.

Our heartfelt thanks to Stuart for visiting ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½ and delivering such an inspiring talk. We look forward to inviting him back soon Rebecca Bownas, Head of Sociology

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