We Will Remember Them - ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½


In memory of the fallen, today saw two Remembrance Services take place in the College Chapel, with pupils from Reception to Upper Sixth taking part. The Choir sang brilliantly in both services, accompanied by pupils playing the trumpet, and the Last Post was played by music teacher Mark Travers. A minute of silence was observed in both services, allowing staff and pupils to reflect on the huge sacrifices made by their College forebears.

In the Prep School service, speeches were given by the Guardians and Prefects, along with the youngest pupil in the school and the oldest member of staff, Martin Clay. Pupils laid 197 poppies at the altar in memory of the fallen ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½ OJs and staff members from WWI and WWII. In the Senior School service, Dominic Mott, Head of College, read out these 197 names, during which pupils and staff members stood up in their memory. Readings were also given by members of the ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½ CCF, as well as CCF Contingent Commander, Sam Amos.