Year 5 head to Bowles! - ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½


Year 5 had a spectacular time at their three-day, two-night residential trip to Bowles. The pupils participated in a wide range of activities including skiing, rock climbing, archery, kayaking and even a leap of faith. One pupil said, ‘Although the Leap of Faith was scary, most people conquered their fears and jumped off the platform.’

Many of the children had not attempted some of the activities before and despite this being their first attempt, and others being scared, their attitudes were always positive. For vast majority of the pupils, their favourite activity was the dry slope skiing!

All students gave all the activities a go, never giving up in the process. They were all so encouraging towards one another during the trip with their friends calling out supportive guidance when it was their turn.

Back at the accommodation, they slept in dorms of around six and every morning they had a dorm inspection to make sure their rooms were extra tidy! Many stated that ‘It was so much fun to have a massive sleepover with our friends’.

And of course, the children loved the food! One pupil commented that it was ‘scrumptious and came with varieties of different options. Lots of us liked the chicken curry and the mac ‘n’ cheese.’

It was a fantastic trip, with lots of memories made and friendships strengthened through three fun-filled days, making the class a closer cohort, and preparing the children for the Year 6 trip.

Read more about trips at ÐÔÊÀ½ç´«Ã½

My favourite activity was probably the leap of faith because of how scary yet exciting it was, and how proud I was that I managed to grab the bar at the top. Maya, pupil

I had the most incredible three days. You all looked after us so well. Delilah, pupil

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Bowles, thank you for making my stay so lovely. My favourite thing was the climbing even though it was probably the activity I was most nervous for. With lots of encouragement I managed to do it! Alice, pupil